A Tribute To Maika Janat-Vennemann

It is rare to find such a transformational leader (and person, for that matter) as Maika Janat-Vennemann, but we at Sport Oregon have been so fortunate. Maika, our departing COO, joined Sport Oregon in 2019 and, in a relatively short period of time, indelibly changed the landscape of sports in our state.

Maika has made the decision to depart Sport Oregon and her beloved city of Portland to be closer to family in her native Germany. We are all supportive of her decision, and wish her great happiness and success in the next chapter of her life. She will be greatly missed, but we are better people and a stronger organization for having worked alongside her for the past four-plus years.

Maika is the perfect example of a business leader who uses her broad experiences and perspectives to help an organization achieve exceptional success. Her passion to strengthen Portland’s business community as well as local and regional communities through her skills – including executive and project management, live event production, brand marketing, media and business development – allowed Sport Oregon to achieve new heights.

Maika was – and remains – a leading advocate for all types of sports. But in particular, it was her passion, dedication and relentless drive to help launch our flagship SHE FLIES initiative that really stands out as she departs our organization. It’s one thing to be supportive, but her commitment to increasing opportunities for girls and women in sport in such tangible and meaningful ways is exemplary. In just two years, we already have seen the impact that SHE FLIES can have thanks to Maika’s efforts. It will be difficult to fully replicate her contributions, but she laid the foundation for even greater achievements in years to come for SHE FLIES.

More than anything, Maika brings an infectious spirit and “can-do” attitude to everything she does. Simply put, she’s a champion whose positive energy inspires those around her. She has the innate ability to rally around a cause or program, taking the tiniest seed of an idea and developing it to its full potential.

For all of this, we are extremely grateful.

As you’ll see below, there is no shortage of well-wishers for Maika and her family as they depart Portland.

From all of us at Sport Oregon, and everyone who had the pleasure of working alongside her over the years …

Thank you, Maika.

Jim Etzel
CEO, Sport Oregon
“In just over four years, Maika has served as a transformational management leader, helping to steward the organization’s vision and mission development that has reshaped its relevancy and impacts in our community. Externally, Maika is a connector, convener and enabler throughout the city. She was a go-to person for business executives and non-profit organizations in their efforts to help Portland be the great city it strives to be. She is a trusted leader in the local tourism, events and sports conversation."

“But, Maika was a friend first and also a business associate from my prior agency life. I’ve enjoyed a 15-year relationship with her and her husband Venne and I knew what Maika could bring to this organization. I knew she would be an impact player in our organization who would immediately make us better. I jokingly say, ‘we’ve had a lot of great free-agent signings,’ but Maika was the first big one who helped attract everybody else.”

Chris Van Wagner
Board President, Sport Oregon
"Maika has used her natural ability to engage with people across Oregon who have varying interests and talents, to bring them together to link sports to their primary interests. She has changed how this diverse group of partners, activists, investors, parents, tourists and many others think about sports impacting their business, families and the state of Oregon. The amazing talent Maika has is to do this with sincere interest in others, and always offering and acting upon opportunities that support these groups.”

“Her work for Sport Oregon and for the foundational program SHE FLIES has been inspirational and she will be missed. I was fortunate to be the board president during a time that Maika also was growing in her responsibility and reach that offered us the opportunity for many conversations. I will cherish my time spent with Maika discussing business, but more so sharing family and life stories. These happy memories will stay with me, and I wish Maika the best of luck in her next adventure!"

Jim Carideo
Board Vice President, Sport Oregon
Executive Director — Oregon Complex, UBS
“Maika’s passion, execution and caring has helped Sport Oregon grow to levels that we couldn’t even dream about when she came to the organization. Her impact on the community will be felt for years to come.”

“I want to thank Maika for her thoughtful insight and friendship over the years. The mark of a true leader is to leave a place in better shape than you found it. Maika’s leadership has been transformational.”

Matt Reed
COO, Sport Oregon
“I see how Maika moves through the nuances and intricacies at Sport Oregon. It’s been a marvel to watch. I’ve learned so much from Maika professionally, and I’ll do my best to continue her legacy. Personally, I’ve never had a better role model. Maika has managed to be an amazing parent and the best leader I could have ever asked for. I appreciate Maika more than she probably realizes or that I could ever share.”

Billie Moser
VP of International Affairs and Special Projects, Travel Portland
“Maika has meant so much to this beautiful city of Portland and state of Oregon. Wherever I went, everybody always said, ‘don’t you know Maika?’ The entire state knows Maika because she is a huge connector. Maika knows who to bring together to move things forward. We are so happy that this city and state got to have Maika for as long as we did.”

Dr. Robin Beavers
VP of Community and Social Impact, Portland Timbers and Thorns FC
“Maika has been a pillar in our community and it has been such a joy working with her on various community projects over the years. She has been such an inspiration to all of us with her passion for uplifting girls and women in sport, especially through her work in developing SHE FLIES. She’s been an inspiration to me and to young women throughout the city and state, and we hope to carry on Maika’s passion for girls and women in sport through SHE FLIES.”

Alex Jee
Community Manager, Motiv Sports
“Maika has created a place for women in sports. We tell our daughters they can do this or they can be this in sport, but she’s created something visual for them to see. Maika has created a place where people feel like they belong. She has stood in place with total authenticity. Maika had this vision with SHE FLIES. It’s something we all want to be a part of. People say ‘there’s not enough this for girls and why aren’t girls doing this.’ Maika did something about it. I can now tell my daughter … ‘You can go. You can be a part of this.’ All because of what Maika created. This is just another example of something Maika thought about and did. Maika actually gets things done and it is so inspiring.”

Jenny Nguyen
Owner, The Sports Bra
“Maika has been such a great leader for women’s sports. I met Maika because she found out about The Sports Bra and she approached us and she had all of this vision. Maika inspired me to reach further and deeper into the community, especially with young girls in sports. The impact she has left in Portland is widespread. Every time I see Maika, I get this burst of energy. If I have any doubts or overwhelming feelings, Maika brings this contagious energy and confidence. I’m really going to miss having that around.”

Hannah Hallos
Corporate & Commercial Banking Development Program Manager, PNC Bank
“Maika’s impact on the business community goes beyond words. Her radiating energy and positive attitude has been a game-changer, especially for the women’s community. Watching Maika develop SHE FLIES over the last two years has been one of the most impactful experiences of my life. She has created a whole community around girls in Oregon. I think of all the girls who are impacted by all the great work Maika has done. The legacy that Maika is leaving behind is awesome. She has a unique ability to balance being professional and fun at the same time. I hope to accomplish the same things that Maika has one day.”

Harry Cheema
Public Affairs Manager, Alaska Airlines
“It’s no secret that Maika is my favorite person in the state of Oregon. Maika’s commitment to the Oregon athletics landscape is super impressive. The dedication and commitment that she puts into building relationships has made a positive social impact on the lives of many athletes all across the state. And I can tell it comes from a real place of caring. Maika has helped connect a lot of people throughout the Portland community and even more broadly outside the Portland community, like myself. Maika has this way of bridging the connection between people, their passions and what they are deeply committed to. Maika has helped make a larger impact through her network in this region. It’s rare to meet someone who has a lasting impression, but Maika is that rare and special someone.”

Shannon Boxx
Co-Founder, Ethos Mentality
“Maika has inspired me from the beginning. Maika has shown me what it means to be a strong woman. The fact that she loves to bring her family to work with her has shown me that we can do both. She’s an amazing connector who brings people together and leads with such authenticity. What Maika has done with SHE FLIES in such a short amount of time has been priceless. I can’t wait to see where it goes next, but SHE FLIES will truly miss her leadership.”

Maggie Deeks
Founder, The Drop Shot
“Maika is a mobilizer. She helps people distill their dreams into action steps. She does that for her kids, friends, neighbors and community. Every single time that she inspires someone to do something, it’s positive, active and something that they might not have done without her support. Maika showed me how to be brave when I didn’t want to be brave."

Donna Maleki
Global Matching Programs and Communications Manager, Intel Foundation
“I joined the Sport Oregon Young Professionals Board two years ago because I was drawn to the mission and the community that it offered. Little did I know that I would meet one of the most inclusive, inspiring and authentic leaders I’ve ever met. And I know I’m not alone in thinking that. I asked my fellow YPB members to think about a few words to describe Maika. They shared: supportive, dedicated, inspirational, hard-working and fun. Maika has been a leader, mentor, and a friend to so many of us. She has made a lifelong impact and we’re going to miss her dearly.”

Cory Hansen
Director of Brand, Sport Oregon
“Maika’s ability to form quick connections and build relationships is unparalleled. I feel fortunate to have had such a strong leader the last two years and I learned so much watching Maika cut through the fluff to focus on what really matters. She is an elite communicator, but what I appreciate most is often unspoken. Maika leads by example. She walks the walk. Her actions speak louder than mere words. Maika is present. She’s empathetic. She’s a natural leader. And she makes it look easy. Which I know it’s not. Maika showed up for me as a colleague and a friend. I will miss her greatly, but I’m so excited for her next adventure.”

Julia Mayfield
Director of Foundation Relations, Sport Oregon
“It’s an honor to carry on the SHE FLIES legacy from Maika. She’s the true definition of a SHERO who has impacted so many women and girls within our community. We all have big shoes to fill. But in true Maika fashion, these aren’t just any shoes. These are incredibly cool, stylish, colorful, rare and unique shoes. And that’s Maika … rare and unique.”

Hannah Roxas
Community Impact Manager, Portland Timbers and Thorns FC
“Maika has meant everything to the state of Oregon and the sports industry here. I like to call Maika the ‘sports governor’ of the state. Maika makes people feel so welcome. Maika not only invites people to the table, she would build the table and chairs for people that need to be in the room. Maika’s impact is immeasurable.”

Nathan Nayman
External Affairs and Special Projects, Sport Oregon
“Maika is a connector. She is simply a person who is relationship-focused in her approach to life, to people, and to business. She has a certain way of thinking and behaving. She acts and gets results with ease because she has a level of credibility and trust in and from her network of people. She puts a high value on relationships and has a unique ability to meet people exactly where they are with intimacy, compassion, and understanding. It has been my pleasure to work with her and to call her a friend. I will miss her.”


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